Using your Mala Necklace for Meditation
Did you know that Malas have 108 beads on them? 108 beads to represent the 108 Nadis, energy channels, that cross your Heart Chakra. Nadis carry your Prana, your ‘Life Force’ throughout your body.
![How to use Mala beads](
The three foundations of yoga are all designed to move Prana around your body. They are:
Asanam - yoga poses
Pranayam - breathing exercises &
Pratyahara - control of the senses (meditation)
How to use your Mala for breathing exercises & meditation.
For Pranayam - Breathing Exercise:
- Find a comfortable seated position (a chair is a great option, feet on the floor)
- Find the ‘Guru bead’ or pendant of your Mala. Hold it in your fingers.
- Take a slow breath in for the count of 4, hold your breath in for the count of 4, exhale for the count of 4, hold your breath out for the count of 4. This practice is called ‘box breathing’.
- After completing your first box breath, walk your fingers up your Mala to the first bead. Complete one box breath here for this bead.
- Again walk your fingers up one bead, completing a box breath for each bead.
For Pratyahara - meditation:
- Find a comfortable seated position (a chair is a great option, feet on the floor)
- Find the ‘Guru bead’ or pendant of your Mala. Hold it in your fingers. Close your eyes.
- Take a few full, grounding breaths, then walk your fingers to the first bead.
- Let go of the control of your breath. Breathe calmly and naturally.
- Find your mantra; a phrase you will repeat to yourself to bring control to your senses. Perhaps try “So Hum” or “I Am.” (Don’t answer I am this, or I am that. ‘I Am’ is a full sentence.)
- Repeat your mantra once for each bead. You do not have to link your mantra to your breathing pattern. Breathe naturally and let your mantra flow as it wants.
- If another thought enters your mind, acknowledge it, then let it go.
Let me know how it goes!
Sending Love & Light
- Kelsie